Our monastery brewery is one of the last true monastery breweries that is still run by a lively religious community completely independent of any corporate group. The Benedictines of St. Boniface Abbey in Munich and Andechs stand for a special monastic brewing tradition. This allows the beers to mature into a "pleasure for body and soul".
The roots of the Andechs brewing tradition can be traced back to the provisioning of the pilgrims who have been making their way to the Holy Mountain since 1128. Since 1455 the Benedictines in Andechs have been looking after pilgrims and welcoming them as guests. them hospitably. To this day, the monastery brewery is committed to sustainable growth and the growth and is committed to preserving the monastic identity. identity.
Our monastery beers are brewed exclusively in Andechs using the traditional multiple mashing process. They have been ambassadors of Andechs hospitality for over 550 years. With the monastery brewery - and without funds from church taxes - the Andechs monks finance their many commitments, for example, helping the homeless in Munich.