1293 is the founding year of the monastery in Stift Engelszell on the Danube. It's been 730 years, and not all of them were lived in a monastic way. In the 18th century, the monks left, and the property was sold. In 1925, the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, better known as the "Trappist Order," acquired the estate along with a brewery. Although "Engelszeller Klosterbräu" was said to be very popular, the brewery was abandoned in 1929. A new beginning came in 2012. Until that time, there were only seven Trappist monasteries worldwide with brewing rights, six in Belgium and one in the Netherlands. Stift Engelszell became the 8th Trappist brewery. Trappist beers are beloved by beer enthusiasts around the world. They are recognized by the coveted "Authentic Trappist Product" seal on the label. Since May 2023, we know that the Trappist order will be leaving Stift Engelszell. Only four monks remain within the monastery walls. They can no longer sustain the monastic life. However, the brewery will continue, but the Trappist seal had to be removed from the label. One of the conditions for maintaining the seal is that the beers must be brewed by or under the supervision of Trappist monks.