
It all started as a hobby. In 2006, Tom and Johannes brewed their first beer in a pressure cooker. Apparently it tasted good, because it quickly turned out that it should be more than just a hobby. Tom's brother Michael came into play and initial considerations to open a small brewery were in late 2007 in the room. The then still very amateur plans were not implemented. The idea persisted, however. And so Tom and Johannes first went to Weihenstephan to study brewing and beverage technology at the Technical University of Munich. In early 2012, the plans were picked up again and Raphael came on board. Then it came to various considerations: own brewery vs.. Gypsy Brewing, building the brand and most importantly the recipe development. It quickly became apparent that the construction of an own brewing system was difficult to realize from the start and that the concept of being a Gypsy brewer was the way to the goal. After an intensive search for a partner brewery, the cooperation with Reinhold Barta was started in the brewery Gusswerk. Even today, the beers are brewed in the casting, and so you could call them sedentary Wanderbrauer, because in contrast to classic Gypsy brewers who produce in many different breweries, Brew Age brews their beers according to their ideas almost exclusively in the casting.