On an exhibition area of more than 3,000 square meters, you can impressively experience the history and art of brewing beer. From the ancient Egyptians to the Romans and Celts, the path leads to the medieval beer brewing of the monks. You will learn how industrialization revolutionized and rationalized the brewing culture, and that brewing beer is still - despite all the technology - a fine art today.
...and finally, there is a tasting sip from our Glass Museum Brewery for every guest.
In the glass museum brewery, which has a full seven hectoliters of output per brew, work is done by hand. The brewmaster uses malt from local malt houses, the hops come from the Hallertau region, and the soft Kulmbach brewing water has been part of the recipe for success for Kulmbach beer for centuries. The fact that the beer is brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law does not need to be mentioned separately. All beers are unfiltered and unpasteurized, i.e. natural.