Brewer's Advent 2023 Day 18: Kuchlbauer - Alte Liebe Dunkle Weisse

Beer and Art

The playful, ornate, colorful tower of Kuchlbauer Brewery in Bavaria is visible from afar. Connoisseurs can immediately recognize that Friedensreich Hundertwasser was at work here. Vibrant colors, round shapes, dancing windows, uneven floors, and onion domes are typical elements of his work.

Hundertwasser designed the 70-meter high tower in 1999. Unfortunately, his original plan could not be realized, but his design served as inspiration for the new planning and implementation in 2007. Inside this illustrious structure lies the Kuchlbauer Beer World.

Wheat Beer for Nine Generations

Michael Salleck leads Kuchlbauer Brewery, a genuine family business, today. With him, the ninth generation is at the helm. Kuchlbauer exclusively brews wheat beer; there are no bottom-fermented lagers in the brewery’s range.

‘Alte Liebe’

‘Alte Liebe’ (Old Love) is - we are not surprised - a wheat beer. It is dark. In ancient times, all beers were dark - only when technological innovations of the Industrial Revolution made it possible to produce pale malt did beers become light, and the dark ones were forgotten. ‘Alte Liebe’, the dark wheat beer from Kuchlbauer Brewery is a tribute to the brewing art of old times.

‘Alte Liebe rostet nicht,’ they say in Germany, meaning 'Old love doesn't rust.'


BeerTasting DAILY-Video

Kuchlbauer - Alte Liebe Dunkle Weisse Can
Dark Hefeweizen
5,2% vol.
Brauerei Kuchlbauer

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