The dark wheat beer 'Alte Liebe' is brewed in the old-fashioned way with dark malts. This mahogany-colored wheat beer is crowned with creamy foam. The nose detects chocolate and toffee, dark caramel, and overripe banana. It has a soft, creamy, and finely effervescent initial taste. There's a subtle sweetness and robust roasted notes. You'll also find banana again, along with cloves, nutmeg, and vanilla.
A very good dunkelweizen. Full-bodied mouthfeel with a creamy finish. It’s got a sweet, nutty flavor and a toasted bread aroma. The aftertaste is reminiscent of eating a banana.
Etwas wässrig
11. Feb 25
...aber geschmacklich gar nicht übel. Könnte für ein dunkles ein paar Umdrehungen mehr haben. Fruchtig süß mit einer leichten malzigen Note. Rund um ein gelungenes Weizen. #dunkel
Malziges süßes Weißbier
11. Feb 25
Warmer malzig süßer Geschmack
Rich Flavour
Jason Batchelor
4. Feb 25
Old fashion beer, gives that full mouth flavour. Not necessarily a beer that I'd be going back for seconds, but it's quite nice.
Roasty Toasty
27. Jan 25
I don’t often have dark beers but this one has won me. A flavoursome, creamy beer thats just a little sweet but with a clean finish.