
Around the year 1000, Countess Adula donated a monastery in a farmland on both sides of the Mur, where - in the old days tradition - beer was brewed by the nuns. In 1495, a 'Peirbrewer' named Lenhartt Newmaister is mentioned in a document. Until its abolition in 1782, the Nonnenstift Göss was the cultural and economic center of the area. The tradition of brewing beer in the abbey buildings was revived when in 1860 the brewer and entrepreneur Max Kober purchased parts of the monastery and reactivated the monastery brewery. This important year for Gösser is still noted on the labels. With the founding of an AG in 1893, Max Kober lays the foundation stone for the development of one of the most important breweries in Austria. With the development of the pasteurization process and the use of bottle caps in the 1920s, Gösser also began his triumphant advance outside of Austria. Although the two world wars meant production slumps and setbacks for the Gösser brewery, after the rebuild of the brewery Gösser set a clear example of his strength: Gösser Spezial was served at the gala dinner for the signing of the Austrian State Treaty in 1955. Strengthened by this impressive symbol, Gösser continued on his successful path - until today. The brewery Göss, birthplace of Austria's best beer, is today one of the most modern breweries in the country.