A lighter golden yellow free of any turbidity is the first visual impression that leaves this beer after pouring. On top of a white medium-pored crown, which is initially quite intense, but collapses quite quickly. Very light grainy malty aromas reach the nose and some grassy hops is there, but these are very weak. The Antrunk starts quite easily and thinly and betrays from the first second, that with this beer no taste firework is to be expected. Subtly sweet malt flavors mix inharmoniously with bitter bitter notes. The carbon dioxide is tingling and strengthened in the short term this impression on the tongue and palate. The body is clearly watered down and thin. In the aftermath, the sweet malt notes quickly make room for a more hopeful bitterness, which is also retained in the aftertaste.
Es gibt nicht mehr viele Schankbiere in Österreich. Daher muss man froh sein, wenn man so einen Vertreter noch findet.
Im Geschmack sind sie ja meistens nicht DER Burner, aber vert…