Top fermented
Beer description
The idea: The combination of traditional and modern ingredients. The WOIF gets the grain from the past and combines it with modern hop varieties to a beer with character. The Beer: Pale Ale, a traditional English beer style reinterpreted. The idea of reclaiming old crops and combining them with modern hop varieties (Cascade, Magnum) has been consistently further developed and rounded off with a mixture of traditional barley malt and hops (Hersbrucker, Tettnanger) to a modern interpretation of this beer style. Of course, this top-fermented beer is natural and unfiltered. Malt: Emmer, Einkorn, Barley (Pilsner, Wiener, Münchner) Hops: Cascade, Magnum, Hersbrucker, Tettnanger
Wolf Oids Troad
Der grosse Andi
Süffiges Ale
Trübes Gelb mit kurzlebiger, feinporig klebender Krone. Neben den getreidigen Aromanoten sind zitrus-apfelsinenfruchtige Noten wahrnehmbar. Es schmeckt angeführt getreidig bei crem…
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Cremiges Mundgefühl, Getreide- und leichte Fruchtnoten im Abgang.