The aroma is dominated by freshness, meadow flowers and a very fragile sweetness. Helfenberger Hell tastes like life in bloom. The aftertaste is extremely refreshing, also due to the fine perlage. Every single sip makes you want to drink the next one. Fresh, grassy hop notes convey an early summer feeling of elation. Even the sight is pleasing to the eye: Helfenberger Hell looks the way you want a beer to look: radiant, luminous gold, gleaming, crowned by a bright white, fine-pored foam. The bitterness is pleasantly present without playing too much to the fore. It supports the excellent drinking flow, which finishes in a harmonious arc.
Es ist ein helles und fast klares Bier, das malzig herb schmeckt. Im Nachgeschmack leicht süßlich.
Winkler Bräu
14. Jan 25
Geschmack würzig mild etwas wässrig, Geruch angenehm würzig, Farbe hellgelb, Schaum gut, Etikett und Deckel schön
Winkler Bräu
6. Jan 25
Goldgelbe Farbe
Süffig mit malzigem Antrunk
21. Oct 24
Goldgelb und klar, mit geringer Blume. Grasig im Geruch.
Milder, weichef, malziger Antrunk. Süffig, mit feinen Karamell- und Vanillearomen. Feinherb und fruchtig im Abgang.