The Dry hopped Sud 16/1 is a craft beer with an alcohol content of 5.2%. When pouring one sees his beautiful, strong amber color. The drink unfolds a strong malt sweetness paired with honey melon notes. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the beer is 100% organic and partly in the smell of tangerine and citrus fruit, which unfolds when opened. Matthias Mezera usually brews the Neufeldner organic beer. Now he is allowed to market his own craft beer. By filling their own beer in bottles, a lifelong dream has come true for the young brewer of the Neufeldner organic brewery. Matthias Mezera can now produce his own varieties two to three times a year, which are then available in limited editions of a few thousand bottles. As for the organic brewery, the idea of sustainability also plays a key role for Mezera: "Normal hops are treated intensively with pesticides. But I do not want any sprays in my product, so for me there is no alternative to organic craft beer, so an organic beer made with great craftsmanship ". The Neufeldner brewery offers the perfect working environment for this, as it is certified organic and produces exclusively in organic quality. The possibilities of brewing beer are endless for Mezera. He calls this "creative brewing". His first strain, the "Dry hopped Sud 16/1", is a flavor-intensive, naturally cloudy beer of the Lager category, which he now sells under the Organic Craft brand. Beer is a pure natural product for him, so he also sends a clear message on the bottle label: "Say yes to organic brewing. Say no to TTIP
Und dazu Bio. wunderbarer Gewchmack, nichts für das schnelle Durstlöschen, nur geniessen!
10. Dec 18
Ein sehr zitruslastiges Craft Beer im Geschmack! Der Hopfen setzt sich weniger durch als der Malzgeschmack! Das Ettiket fand ich ansprechender als den Inhalt, sehr abgeschreckt hat…
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Organic Craft
4. Jul 18
Schöne Kupferfarbe mit einer kleinen feinporigen Schaumkrone. Sehr hopfige Aromen von Zitrus und Früchten. Im Antrunk leichte malzige Süße, die dann in die typische Hopfenbitterkei…