With the KeTo Peporter Leonardo Di Vincenzo (brewmaster of Birra del Borgo) has created a Tobacco Porter, which is very different from the normal Porter. The KeTo Reporter has been flavored with Tuscan Kentucky tobacco, giving it an incredible and unique flavor. Typically for a porter, the KeTo reporter presents itself with a dark brown color. The scent immediately recognizes a tobacco note that is accompanied by light espresso and toasted notes. On the palate, notes of roasted coffee with a hint of licorice and citrus dominate. This interplay of flavors impresses the taste right through to the finish, while the tobacco note stays discreetly in the background, which leaves a very pleasant impression.
Pechschwarz und blickdicht liegt das Keto im Glas. Darüber liegt kurz eine gemischtporige Blume. Es riecht herrlich nach frisch geröstetem Kaffee und Honig. Es startet leicht rezen…