Do you folks like coffee? Yeah? How about chocolate?? Hell yeah?! Well good, because you’re in for a treat! The newest Extinction is forever! member, the Marsican Bear is brewed with 100% arabica coffee from Cuba, masterfully roasted by the guys from Italcrem. We were aiming for chocolaty and nutty coffee flavour with as little as possible sourness or astringency. To achieve this, the coffee was roasted just a few hours before being added to the beer and we applied our own idea of cold brewed coffee.
We got the chocolate nibs from our amazing neighbours Zotter Schokoladen. We love their nibs, always fresh and rich with pure chocolate flavour.
Schaummässig dank Nitro 1a-top, cremig, fein ... Im Geruch deutlich Kaffee, det Geschmack selbst ist kaffeelastig, bitter und sehr trocken.
Bevog Marsican Bear
16. Apr 23
Das Bevog Marsican Bear Stout hat einen extrem cremigen stabilen Schaum. Wenig Kohlensäure. Die bereits mitgebrauten Zutaten Schokolade und Kaffee kommen hervorragend zur Geltung u…