This was announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD).
Actually, the Wiesn was planned this year from September 18 to October 3. Six million visitors are expected at normal times over the eleven days. But even though many people could have been vaccinated by the end of September, the risk of Corona was obviously too great for the organizers and local politicians. In pandemic times, the risk of infection at the festival, with beer tents often filled to capacity and the crowds in the alleyways, would simply be incalculable.
The cancellation does not only hit the festival tent owners hard. Also cab drivers, hoteliers and other industries normally make great profits with the Oktoberfest. According to the city of Munich, the Wiesn had an economic value of around 1.23 billion Euros in 2019.