The men of the house Haffner have served in uninterrupted succession of the city as town musicians. The musician Wilhelm Haffner was the first to come to Uslar. This Haffner belonged to those Protestants who had left the Salzburger Land for religious reasons in 1731/1732 and had found a new home in East Prussia.
This Salzburg Haffner, his son and his grandson Wilhelm Haffner, the founder of the brewery, served the town of Uslar (Stich) as town musicians for a whole century.
Friedrich Wilhelm Haffner, who founded the brewery in 1868, was already described as a vinegar manufacturer and town musician in civil documents before this time. His father had already sought a sideline around 1800 and asked the municipal colleges for permission to open a brewery in Uslar.
Today the private brewery Bergbräu is a traditional and at the same time innovative company: The brewing kettles and steel tanks ensure that the beer always tastes the same, while modern technology relieves the employees of the hard work.
Continuous investments were made and the technology in the brewery was modernised. A new brewhouse was built in 1989. The old copper boilers were replaced by new stainless steel tanks. The capacity was thus doubled to 50,000 hl. 1990/91 saw the expansion of the tank farm and the planning of the new bottling plant and the pallet warehouse in Brauerei-Haffner-Straße in the industrial area. The two large halls were inaugurated in 1993 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary celebrations.
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