Cancelled WBC - What to do with the beer?

Cancelled WBC - What to do with the beer?

A full beer warehouse in Colorado. Some 2,700 breweries had registered for the largest beer competition in America, the World Beer Cup, and delivered the beers. Due to the Corona measures, the beer cannot be returned.

So what to do with so much good beer?

The Brewers Association endeavored to make good out of poor circumstances and is grateful to partner with two Denver-based distillers, Denver Distillery and Ballmer Peak Distillery, who are making hand sanitizer. It will be distributed to first responders.

On Monday, a handful of Brewers Association staff and volunteers, led by BA executive chef Adam Dulye, began opening thousands of cans and bottles and delivering the valuable contents to the distilleries. The first batch of the World Beer Cup hand sanitizer is due to be donated as early as next week.

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