Brewer's Advent 2023 Day 8: Landgang - Helle Aufregung

Another Craftbrewery from Hamburg

Landgang Brewery is one of the initiators of the recent beer history in Hamburg. Until two decades ago, Hamburg was dominated by two breweries, both of which were part of the Danish Carlsberg group. Today, the beer scene in the city is more vibrant than ever, with the number of breweries having grown to over 15.

Lars, one of the two founders of Landgang Brewery, had a craft beer shop and dreamt of creating his own beer. Sascha, his friend, had just completed his training as a brewer. Together, they started their beer project in 2016. They began as gipsy brewers and quickly achieved great success. After only two years, they were able to acquire their own brewery.

By the way, Landgang is a name that refers to Hamburg's maritime history. For many centuries, the most important German port connected Hamburg to the world. When the ships docked in the port after their often months-long voyages, the sailors disembarked; they went ashore. "Landgang" is the German term for an excursion on land.

And "Helle Aufregung"? Literally translated, it means "bright excitement."

BeerTasting DAILY-Video

Landgang - Helle Aufregung Can
Lager / Helles
5% vol.
Landgang Brauerei


JayRam • 1 Year ago
While not my preferred style of beer, I appreciate that creating a consistent quality light beer is difficult. This would be delightful in summer.
michaelpoto1 • 1 Year ago
Crisp and light. Flavorful and refreshing. Very pleasant to drink.
kenbottesi • 1 Year ago
Fresh Helles easy to drink- palatable. Easy drinking.3.5
tonytickle • 1 Year ago
I remember this one from last year. Really enjoyed it. Crisp, clear and very palatable. Beautiful golden colour. Will be looking forward to this one next go ‘round. Cheers folks.
Futbol mono • 1 Year ago
3-3.5, not remarkable , but fresh like a true Helles. Cheers, see you day 9!
bradfordmcgovern • 1 Year ago
I remember this brewery as one of my favorites from past years, really liked this one as well. The first few days I didn't watch the videos, but have been watching each day for the last few days, and have really enjoyed having others to virtually taste with me in a way
jacksonmplt • 1 Year ago
Not bad 3.5, not as favorable as a couple of the others. But definitely worth a second.

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