Brewer's Advent 2023 Day 4: Graminger Kirta

A Brewery in women's hands

Graming is a district of Altötting, in the south of Bavaria. There is a brewery pub there, where women, three sisters, do the business. Sabine Detter and Birgit Strasser are both brewmasters, and Iris Detter, the third sister, is a restaurant specialist. A good and very successful combination.

A lot of European Beer Star Awards have gone to the sisters’ beers. They proudly look back on one bronze and five gold awards. They prove that brewing beer is not just a man's job.

“Kirta” or “Kirchweih”

Kirta is a Bavarian dialect term for the festival that commemorates the consecration of the church building. “Kirta” or “Kirchweih”, as the festival is also known in some regions of Germany, has been celebrated since the 5th century. The word “Kirchweih” is a combination of Kirche (church) and Weihe (consecration). Originally celebrated in every village, today the custom is only practised in Bavaria. 

The Graminger sisters brew their Kirta wheat beer for the “Kirchweih” day in Altötting. 

BeerTasting DAILY video

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Graminger - Graminger Kirta Can
Dark Hefeweizen
5% vol.
Graminger Weißbräu

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