Brewer's Advent 2023 Day 13: Wildbräu - Grandauer Weissbier

Wildbräu, strong as a Bear

The young owner of Wildbräu in Grafing, near Munich, Gregor Max Schlederer, can trace his family's brewing tradition back through seven generations. A bear adorns the brewery's logo. It stands upright, wild, and untamed. It is borrowed from the town's coat of arms and commemorates the courage of the Grafing soldiers who helped the Bavarian king achieve victory over Austria in 1322.

One of Germany's Oldest Breweries

For the past two years, Wildbräu has known that their brewery is among the oldest in Germany. In the depths of the Munich City Archives, a document was found that proves beer was brewed in the main house in Grafing in the year 1060. Only two German breweries are older: the Bavarian Staatsbauerei Weihenstephan (1040) and the Weltenburg Klosterbrauerei (1050). Both are not far from Wildbräu.

A Beer at the Brewery's Tavern

The brewery includes a historic tavern, which is nearly as old as the brewery itself. Since 1205, this gem on the marketplace in Grafing has welcomed countless visitors and hosted generations of guests. It's where Gregor Max meets his brewmaster Johannes, after a day's work. Then, the two raise their glasses with the amber Grandauer Weißbier. 


BeerTasting DAILY-Video

Wildbräu - Grandauer Weißbier Can
Amber Hefeweizen
5,1% vol.
Wildbräu Grafing


kenbottesi • 1 Year ago
Ist mismatch. Beer was . Fine
Rpm2 878 • 1 Year ago
This was also my only mismatch and my least favorite, so far. Hopefully I don't end up missing out on something exceptional.
the Dhauzimmer • 1 Year ago
Both bears. So, closer than it has been lately.
Heidihausfrau • 1 Year ago
First time our calendar didn’t match. Who cares!! Still enjoyed a new beer. Don’t sweat the small stuff!!
denvercs15 • 1 Year ago
We also had the Baren Weiss but it didn’t detract from enjoying the evening with my wife, sampling beers we would never have tasted before despite my wife not enjoying the Baren Weiss at all 😄
Futbol mono • 1 Year ago
“I’ve don’t give all the ladies a 10” LMAO!!!! My wife and I laughed out loud! Now the beer, 14 days in a row with the correct beer, not sure how some get different beers. Next time, may I suggest that you take all the beers out of the box, put them in the fridge, and then look which is the beer of ethanol day in the video title. Easy way to do it. I give the beer a 3.5. My wife gave it a 4.5. She loves white beer styles like Hoogarden. White. . Cheers, Prost, and salad!!
JayRam • 1 Year ago
Nice delayed comebacker from the “little expert.”
awg1129 • 1 Year ago
I thoroughly enjoyed the Bären Weiss.e
fdeshler • 1 Year ago
I am disappointed as well, also received the Baren Weisse in my calendar, it won’t qualify me for the badge this year. However we bought 2 calendars, one for me and one for my wife. Hers DID have the Wildbrau. Both were bought same day next to each other on the pallet
JTrent • 1 Year ago
I just left a rating for the correct beer that was equal to the average rating given by others. I want that badge lol
Ken Runstadler, Jr. • 1 Year ago
Yes, disappointing when the beer we purchased doesn't match the beer featured on the video of the day. The webmaster explained recently that this is due to licensing limitations of Your local Alcohol Control Commission. (Do you feel safe now? LOL!) Anyway, Bären Weisse (White Bears) is brewed by Brauerei H. Egerer, established 1919, and located in Großköllnbach, Lower Bavaria. I think you'll agree, the beer is toll! Also, the raven-haired beauty hosting the beer tasting is soft on the eyes! Life is beautiful!
kentsir • 1 Year ago
Baren Weisse for me as well. Everything on calendar correct to this point
jacksonmplt • 1 Year ago
Again we diverge my Bier was Baren Weisse. It is tasty and easy to recognize as a Weiss Bier. Rated a 4
Steve Hill • 1 Year ago
Like Jeff, the day 13 beer is the Baren Weisse. What's up with the calendar??
jeffbanker • 1 Year ago
My day 13 beer was Baren Weisse. It was very good but disappointing that I had a different beer than the one that was sampled.
Sabii • 1 Year ago
My husband and me enjoyed this beer a lot. Thanks for all these stories. We really enjoy this advent calendar.
Clay Schnittker • 1 Year ago
I cannot rate the bier because 3 of the last 5 beers do not correspond with the app. Very disappointed!

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