App version 7.4.0 has been released!

App version 7.4.0 has been released!

After updates of our app, it is recommended for Android devices to close the app and then delete the app data. This way you can prevent possible errors. This is how to do it:

Open the settings and select
Apps. Tap on the BeerTasting app. Select Memory. Tap on Clear data. Done!


Just in time for the middle of the month: A new update has just been released! If it is not already available, it should be available for download in the Appstore within the next few hours.


You already know, but we'll add it again: As always, numerous bugs have been solved. At this point we would like to say a big thank you to all BeerTasters who support us so energetically with their hints!

Apart from that, the buttons Friends, Followers, Breweries and Countries in your own profile can now be called up and the corresponding data can be viewed. This is something the BeerTasting community has been asking for for a long time, so of course we prioritized these features. We hope to have done the community a service with this!

Under Top BeerTaster you can now switch between the entire community and your own friends. So you can see at a glance how you are ranked compared to your own friends.

Also, the date of the rating is now again available for the respective beer. To do this, you only have to call up a beer that you have already rated.

Last but not least, we have added the Official BeerTaster 2023 badge. What you will receive as a prize for achieving it this year and what statistics will be counted for it, you will find out in a news article that will be published in the next few days.


We are currently working on new features that will show you the most popular beers in your area based on your location. Also, a feature is coming to the app that will allow you to invite friends to the app. There will also be a badge that identifies you as a friend of the community. Of course, that's not all, but we don't want to reveal too much yet...but you can definitely be curious!

Do you have any questions or suggestions about the update? Write them in the comments! We would also appreciate a good rating in the App Store. Click here to get there!

Now we would like to wish you a lot of fun with the app and remain

with beery greetings
Your BeerTasting Team

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