App version 7.3.1 has been released!

App version 7.3.1 has been released!

The last version (7.3.0) had a few minor teething problems that have now been ironed out. Among the fixes of this version are for example a crash of the app when closing a news post and the linking of a beer to the respective brewery. These bugs and more are now fixed with this version! The update should be available to you in the next few hours.

The best start into March: A new update has just been released! If it's not already available, you should be able to download it from the Appstore within the next few hours.

As always, numerous bugs have been solved. You already know that from the previous updates. But there are 2 huge new features:

First, the brewery view is back! Now you can search for breweries via the search bar again. These can now also be opened up, the linked beer specialties can be checked and a lot of other info and pictures can be viewed. This feature has been found by the BeerTasting community to be the most important new feature under the "Features & Enhancements" section, so of course we have given this feature top priority.

Second, you can now search for other BeerTasters and add them as friends. While this feature was not ranked #2 in the "Features & Enhancements" section, it lent itself well as an addendum in the context of the brewery view. We hope to have acted in the BeerTasting community's best interest in doing so. Why don't you try out the new features right now?

After updates to our app, we recommend that users of Android devices close the app and then delete the app data. This way you can prevent possible errors. Instructions for this can be found in the internet. Alternatively, you can also contact us by mail, we will be happy to help you out!

Currently we are working on the statistics in the profile. Here, countries and breweries will be openable and the results will be filterable and sortable. At the moment it looks like we might be able to release this update at the end of next week or the beginning of the week after next!

Do you have any questions or suggestions about the update? Write them in the comments! We would also appreciate a good rating in the App Store. Click here to get there!

Now we want to wish you a lot of fun with the app and remain

with beery greetings
Your BeerTasting Team

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