
In the heart of Vils, the small town in the north of Ausserfern, beer was already brewed in the 15th century. We have been continuing this tradition since May 2013. Equipped with modern technology and the craftsmanship of our master brewers, we realize our ideas about the preparation of the finest regional beer specialties. Our recipe: excellent raw materials, the purity law and long, cold aging. The crystal clear spring water from the Vilser Mountains with its special composition of dissolved minerals and trace elements forms the basis for the unmistakably independent character of our beers. That is why we consciously refrain from treating the water. Instead, we use it in its powerful, natural, original state. The brewing water is combined with the other raw materials in the brewhouse. Strictly according to the purity law of 1516, we only use the best barley or barley. Wheat malt and the finest types of hops. Selected yeast strains then ferment the malt sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This creates countless fermentation by-products that give the beer its body. In order to round off the taste of our beer and make it digestible, it is then stored for several weeks at temperatures around freezing point. Only then is it ready for bottling.