
The story behind the name sounds just as extraordinary as the name of the beer itself. The speech is about the FOUR BIRD PILS! A craftberry of friends for friends. Colombia 2012: In search of a good Pils four students got to know a brewmaster in Colombia and let their imagination run free in the brewery. For a few days experiments and tasting were done before the beer was ready. A short time later there was a call from the owner of the brewery, who started with the phrase, "What birds have you organized in my brewery?" The name Four Bird Pils was born! In the coming time, work continued on the FOUR BIRD PILS and the Pils was perfected. Back in Dresden, work continued. At the beginning you brewed in the bathroom (!), Before you stood with the Brauhaus Hartmannsdorf GmbH a great partner at the side and could brew the FOUR BIRD PILS in large quantities .... and this continues today.