
1380 It is assumed that Schrems brewery was founded around this year. 1410 First documentary mention of the Schrems brewery. During the devastating fires in Schrems, the brewery remained unscathed and is thus the oldest building in the city, which is today a protected monument. In 1753, the then owner of the estate, Count von Falkenhayn, sold the brewhouse to Blasius Freyler for 950 gulden. In 1764, Johann Anderl acquired the brewery for 1,300 florins, which was later taken over by his son Johann Georg. In 1811 Wolfgang Wagner bought the brewery for 4,500 florins, but already in 1838 JAKOB TROJAN was able to acquire the brewery by 10,200 guilders on 27 June. In 1875 THEODOR TROJAN took over the brewery from his father, built a new storage cellar and for the first time brewed bottom-fermented beer. 1904 - 1906 he built at his present location a revolutionary for the time, modern brewery, which was first put into operation in 1906. In 1907, son KARL THEODOR TROJAN took over the brewery and secured the survival of the brewery through two world wars and economic crisis despite great difficulties and changeable development. In 1957 DI KARL JOHANN TROJAN took over his father's brewery. With great dedication he created from the ruins of the war years a modern and efficient operation, in which, however, old brewery traditions were upheld. Since 1991 the brewery Schrems is owned by Dipl. Ing. Karl Theodor Trojan. The brewery Schrems asserts itself since that time in the fight against the international multibrew companies on the basis of a consistent quality policy. In 1995 the Schremser brewing barley originated only from controlled farmers in the Waldviertel, which not only contributes to climate and environmental protection, but also guarantees the Schrems brewery an excellent raw material In all areas of the brewery have guaranteed so far, and guarantee in the future the high level of Schremser specialty beers and there were some innovative products: The "Schremser Ostarrichi Pils" set new standards in beer design, with the "Schremser rye" was a new Austrian "Hochland Honigbier", "hemp beer" and "Schremser Naturparkbier" consolidate the reputation of Schremser Bierbrauer as a provider of authentic niche products. The entry into organic production took place in 2007 and today rye beer, nature park beer and honey beer are available in organic quality. Of course, our organic crayons come from our producer community. 2010 was all about 600 years of Schremser beer, you can say, it was celebrated the whole year. The sale was progressively followed by the expansion of the area with partners of the beverage trade. Today Schremser beers are offered in Austria, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, China and Japan, and new beer friends are added every day.