Beer brewing has a long tradition in the Rhön, dating back to the 16th century. It used to be customary for the Kaltennordheimer to brew their own beer in the community brewery. The brewery was demolished just a few years ago. With the sale of the community brewery in 1875 to the "Löwen" - host Margarete Marschall and the innkeeper and butcher Friedrich Christian Dittmar, the "Hannse Fried" called, they also received the brewing right. Friedrich Dittmar took over the business in 1888. He started with the distribution of the beer and made the Rhön beer well known beyond the borders of the town. In the years 1903 to 1905 Friedrich Dittmar built a new brewery in Fuldaer Straße, whose façade is still almost faithfully preserved today. Son Gustav Dittmar took over in 1905 the operation of his father. The First World War, the inflation and the economic crisis, the pressure of large group breweries, the Second World War and the following socialism KFZmachten the operation. Nevertheless, it was always possible to overcome the crises and preserve the traditional family business. Until 1963, the brewery was run as a private and until 1972 as a parastatal operation. In 1972, the Rhönbrauerei was converted into a "state-owned enterprise". It belonged to the "Getränkekombinat Rennsteig", and Friedrich Dittmar, great-grandson of the company founder, had to settle for a job as technical director. When political change in the ex - GDR came in autumn 1989, new opportunities opened up for the Dittmar family. On June 1, 1990, the Rhön Brewery was reprivatized. Friedrich Dittmar together with his wife and daughter Christel Reukauf and husband Lutz Reukauf have now managed the fortunes of the family business in the fifth and sixth generation. Gradually, the Dittmar family began to restructure formerly "state-owned" companies in line with market requirements. 20years "National property left the family Dittmar no easy inheritance ..