THE PRIVAT BREWERY ZÖTLER IS THE OLDEST FAMILY BREWERY IN THE WORLD! In the June issue (2004) of the business magazine "EURO" there was a list of the oldest family businesses in the world: From this one can see that the Zötler private brewery is number 10 of the still existing family businesses worldwide. Since there is no brewery in places 1-9, we are the oldest family brewery in the world, now over 565 years old. The innovative family brewery owes its knowledge of this almost unbelievable tradition not least to its village priest, Manfred Gohl. It is important to know that all historical records were completely destroyed in the brewery's last major fire in 1917. For many years, the active village priest has made it his task to meticulously trace the history of Rettenberg and thus also the history of the Zötler brewery from the records in the parish books that are still available without gaps. It was only then that the brewery found out about the year 1447, when it was founded, about a decade ago.