Lenny's Artisanal Ales is a new Brewing project from Lenny (Christian Lennartz) based in Berlin, Germany. The mission is to offer most tasty, creative and special berries as possible, while promoting the creative way of the world wide Beerscene. Beerstyles, which were never brewed in that way before, as well as interpretating traditional Beerstyles in a new way. Lenny's Artisanal Ales wants to show it all. For us it is very important to celebrate the world wide scene in a social and fun way, which means we try to do many collaborations, parties, festivals with our friends from the Beer, Coffee, Slow Food and other Artisanal Scenes as possible. Lenny's Artisanal Ales stands strictly against racism and other bad minded or bad acting people or companies. Join Lenny and friends, take care of what you drink and eat, and just enjoy the colorful world of Artisanal Craftbeer & Co! Cheers!