Every Hamburg citizen knows the legend of the voyagers, who were adopted by their families with the greeting Kehrwieder. We also went out into the world, made stops in the Caribbean, in South and finally in North America and finally returned to our home port to help bring the beer variety back to Hamburg. Kehrwieder is one of the first generation of creative breweries in Germany and is a founding member of the Verein Deutsche Kreativbrauer eV. In 2012, you signed the founding declaration, and the following year you moved back and forth from Miami to Hamburg, and half a year later your first beer was brewed. First of all, Kehrwieder started its own brewery due to a lack of location and you have rented from friendly brewers. Since October 2014, the Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei has also had a fixed location with its own brewhouse in Hamburg Süd.