
The chronicle of the Herbsthaus brewery goes back to the inn “Zur Schwane”, which was first mentioned in 1581. In the course of the eventful history of this building, the Battle of Herbsthausen on May 5, 1645 is mentioned. Among his frequently changing owners was Johann Friedrich Mayer, son of the imperial postmaster at Blaufelden. He became known as pastor "Gypsapostel von Hohenlohe"; he dealt intensively with agricultural issues and has also published his findings (eg "The Doctrine of Gyps"). In 1727 the main building was rebuilt to its present-day appearance. In December 1875 the "Zur Schwane" inn became the property of the Wunderlich family. From now on, the brewery was systematically rebuilt and expanded - initially under the name Schwanenbrauerei. Thanks to professional skills and economic skill, the brewery and associated agriculture developed into a modern, medium-sized company that has been managed by Klaus Wunderlich in the 4th generation since 1975 and by Christian Wunderlich in the 5th generation since 2006. Today the Herbsthäuser Brauerei Wunderlich KG is a solid and efficient private brewery. All management decisions are always made with special attention to our region and its people.