
The Hasen-Bräu is one of the oldest breweries in Augsburg. Its roots go back to the year 1464. In the early Middle Ages - we speak of a time when Munich was not even founded - Augsburg's brewers formed a proud and respected guild. Anyone wishing to settle in the city as a "beer chaff" had to follow strict guild rules: Augsburg beer was only allowed to be made from water, malt and hops, the city law of Augsburg already required 1156 - 360 years before the Bavarian Purity Law was enacted . The Augsburg Purity Law is the first purity law in German beer history. At that time it was brewed and immediately served in small breweries; the "Haus-Preu" was therefore a brewery and a tavern in one. The Augsburg Hasen-Bräu also goes back to such a house brewery: the "Zu den drey Glass" bar. How the Hasen-Bräu got its name In the 18th century, Martin Eberle was the Haus-Preu in the bar "Zu den drey Glass". When one day a rabbit from the neighboring garden strayed into the taproom, the innkeeper sensed a juicy roast - and immediately started chasing the frightened animal. However, Eberle fell on the nose during the wild chase through the middle of the restaurant. The hare escaped unscathed, and the innkeeper was given the nickname "Hasen-Preu".