
Dortmunder Hansa is a beer from Dortmund that is brewed by the Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei on behalf of the Dortmunder Hansa-Brauerei GmbH. Hansa is available as Pils, Export and Alt. Before that there was also malt, Kölsch, Hefeweizen and ready-mixed as a shandy and cola mix. Hansa-Pils has been brewed since February 1, 1902, was the cult beer of the punk rock movement in Germany in the 1980s because of its cheap price - along with the Karlsquell beer from Aldi - and was particularly popular with young people in the 1990s Popularity. The former Hansa brewery, formerly the Dortmund Borussia brewery founded around 1870, is located in the north of Dortmund not far from Borsigplatz and today serves as the headquarters of the Dortmund Actien brewery, which was taken over by Dortmund Hansa in 1971. The Dortmund Brewery Museum is also located there. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the Borussia brewery was located in the same place, which is said to have given its name to the Dortmund football club of the same name and which later became part of the Hansa brewery. There is also an offshoot in Swakopmund (Namibia), where the beer is brewed according to the German purity law due to the German colonial history.