
"The best thing that can become honey." With this claim, the two city imbecirs Michael Busse and Michael Hertweck want to bring the millennia-old tradition of the "honey beer" to life again. Anyone expecting a sweet beer will be surprised. Beer brewing with honey has a long tradition: it was already common among Germans and Vikings to add some honey to the beer to make it more durable. Because honey naturally has preservatives and gives the beer a special flavor, without sweetening the beer. At the latest with the introduction of industrial brewing methods, the honey was replaced by the cheaper hops and disappeared from the beer. The idea behind "craftBEE" Michael Busse and Michael Hertweck of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kasseler Stadtbienen have set themselves the goal of reviving the old tradition of honey beer with its own craft beer. "With a beer in which you can taste the variety of plants in the parks and gardens of the city," Michael Hertweck explains the idea behind "craftBEE". Specialist support was provided by the two newly-brewed brewers of Sascha Nicolai, brewmaster at the Hütt brewery, who composed the craft beer specifically for the self-produced city honey. "CraftBEE" is brewed in true handcraft and exclusively with ingredients from the region. When and where it is sold, you can learn at With beer and bee allergy to the honey beer The creators of "craftBEE" came to the honey beer in very different ways: Michael Busse is, as he says himself, no friend of beer. "I've always wondered how everyone else can eat this bitter swill," he sums up his "allergy" to the harsh taste. Also "honey beer" tastes like beer, but with a fine honey flavor, without being sweet. That has also convinced Michael. Michael Hertweck, on the other hand, has a real allergy to bee venom, which can cost him his life in a bee sting. And yet he is a beekeeper out of passion. "I can not help but deal with these fascinating beings," says Michael, describing his motivation to start new projects around the bee. So does the "craftBEE", which he is now brewing together with his fellow beekeeper. About the brewers Michael Busse and Michael Hertweck are city beekeepers from Kassel. In the summer of 2015, they came up with the idea of reviving the millennia-old tradition of brewing honey. In keeping with home-made honey from the city, brewmaster Sascha Nicolai from the Hütt brewery has composed a specialty that is brewed using real handcraft and ingredients from the region.