
As a startup in 2014, our hop catchers were still brewed and bottled in various small factories in Lower Saxony according to our recipe. To have a brewery at that time was too expensive. Since October 2019 we have been brewing our beer specialties in our own small brewery on the former Kellogg site in the Überseestadt in Bremen and are part of the “Überseeinsel” urban development project. Because we are so happy to be in this place and want to share it with you, our brewpub is currently under construction, in which we will offer hop juice and snacks in the future. But not only! In a cozy atmosphere you can enjoy a little break here and take a look at our brewery through large windows. In summer, a beer garden invites you to relax, perhaps after a short walk to the vegetable yard just around the corner, where our hops grow and thrive. Or you take a whole day and learn here under the guidance of our experienced master brewers how you can brew your beer yourself with simple means.