Ernst Imanuel Wulle (born February 15, 1832 in Nehren (Württemberg), † December 8, 1902 in Stuttgart) was a German brewery entrepreneur and founder of a foundation. In 1859, Wulle and his partner, master brewer Maier, acquired the properties Neckarstraße 60 and 62 to the center of Kernerplatz in Stuttgart. During the construction it turned out that the facilities were too small and you had to enlarge. The two owners could not agree on this, which is why Maier got out in 1861. 1896 becomes from the enterprise a corporation (stock brewery Wulle). The brewery was struggling with the widespread use of wine and cider in Württemberg, as beer was more expensive. The company's early days were marked by numerous acquisitions by regional breweries. Thus the following enterprises were taken over: 1897: Brewery Kolb, Stuttgart. 1903: brewery Siegelberg, Zuffenhausen 1906: brewery Lechleitner, Esslingen am Neckar 1911: breweries Engel, Vaihingen / Enz, and C. Widmaier, Möhringen adF 1919: Brewery Gebr. Leo, Dürrmenz, Mühlacker 1929: Gräfl. v. Rechberg'sche Brewery, Weißenstein During the Third Reich, the brewery Wulle could not escape the conditions and participated in the Winter Relief Organization, the Adolf Hitler donation of the German economy and a number of other social collections. Again and again, employees were drafted into military exercises. Their wages were extended to the full amount. Later, members of soldiers received monthly grants. The first dead employees recorded the economic reports on May 22, 1940. He died in France. Friedrichsbau share over 100 RM of the brewery Wulle AG from January 1930 Starting from 1 July 1942 the special beer produced by the brewery was only delivered to the Wehrmacht. In 1943 the malt house was destroyed by an air raid and the brewery building was damaged. In total, 35 economic properties were destroyed in the attack, including the Friedrichsbau. This was built in 1900 in Stuttgart by Wulle founded "real estate association Aktiengesellschaft". After the war, the company recovered from the consequences and was able to increase the beer output continuously. In 1960, the restoration of the Wulle ballrooms in the Neckarstraße. The brewery "Zum Hecht" in Bopfingen was purchased. On 5 April 1971, the end of the brewery Wulle was sealed by contract. From this day on she traded under the roof of the Dinkelacker brewery. Gradually, the lettering Wulle disappeared from the annual reports. In the 1970s, the brewery complex between the Neckarstraße and Kernerplatz was demolished. Today there are state ministries and a hotel. "We want Wulle!" Was the brewery's well-known slogan since 1861. These three words stand out on many glasses, jugs, ashtrays, etc., which are still to be found today. Shortly the name Wulle appeared again in 1988. This year, the brewery Wulle merged with the already belonging to Dinkelacker brewery Cluss from Heilbronn to Cluss-Wulle AG, whose main business purpose seems to be the management of the former brewery properties. In 2000, Cluss-Wulle became one-third owner of the Cäcilienpark am Neckar GbR, which built the 320-apartment complex of the same name on the former Cluss site in Heilbronn. Twenty years later and 37 years after the provisional end, the Wulle brand was reintroduced in the first quarter of 2008 by the Dinkelacker-Schwaben-Brau brewery.