
The Ganter brewery is a traditional brewery in Freiburg im Breisgau. The brewery was founded in 1865 by the landlord's son Ludwig "Louis" Ganter from Schönau in the Black Forest in the house Zum Kindlein Jesu (Schiffstraße 7), where Erasmus von Rotterdam lived from 1531 to 1534. Ganter used a remaining small brewery the 18th century, which he acquired together with 700 wooden barrels. Until 1877, the beer of the rapidly growing Freiburg brewery was brewed in this house. Later it became the parent company with a restaurant and brewery bar. In 1877, Ganter finally acquired a site in Freiburg's Oberau, the old oil mill, in order to be able to produce there according to modern technical standards. At that time, the site was “out in the country” outside of the city.