The berserkers were warriors at the time of the Vikings, who got into an uncontrollable frenzy and intoxication during the fight, no longer felt pain and therefore also opposed overpowering opponents. As a "BIERSERKER" I would like to oppose the apparent superiority of the same and boring taste of most of the beers on offer. For this I use completely natural, high-quality and pure ingredients such as herbs, fruits or spices. In the past, these ingredients were a matter of course and have accompanied the development of beer for many centuries, such as at Hildegard von Bingen. I deliberately do not use stabilization and filtration aids or pasteurization, even if they are officially approved. Although I usually do not brew according to the so-called "purity law", I can call my products "beer". The reason for this is an exceptional permit from the State Office for Environment, Nature and Consumer Protection (LANUV) of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. After an examination, this office can grant approval as a "special beer" - hence the "subtitle"! By the way: almost every state office can issue these permits.