
Brewery "Bakunin" was founded by three people! Alexander Romanenko - the owner of the eponymous beer café, Yuri Mitin - enthusiasts and home brewer and Vladimir Naumkin - professional brewers. They love the rich flavors, bold experimenting and the desire to share good beer with good people. September 2013, you presented - Laughing Sam - an American pale ale. Since then, each new variety will be an opportunity for discussion, first among birgikov, then among the fans of good beer, and now they are gaining popularity in Europe. In 2016, we were successful at the International Beer Festival in Tallinn (TCBW2016), where brewers from all over Europe and the United States, represented their best marks. One of our - Emperor Stout cocoa milk - eclipse - entered the top 10 among the almost 300. We do not brew beer for the beer. Each new variety is inspired by some idea, new challenges for yourself and the desire to create something truly unique.