
Like so much of Anderson Valley, its story is a legend that was handed down by residents as early as the mid-19th century. The valley was originally inhabited by the Indians of the Pomo, who lived in nineteen known places and had an estimated 600 inhabitants by the middle of the 19th century. Legend has it that the first European explorers accidentally found their way to the valley in 1851. Walter Anderson tracked a wounded stag through the wilderness and was separated from his hunting party. After many hours of pursuing the deer, he climbed a promontory to the south of today's Boonville and looked out over the land. It is not known if he caught up with the stag or not, but he told his hunting friends about the amazing valley he had encountered and his desire to return. Redwoods Not long after Walter Anderson settled in the valley, other settlers followed. WW Boone (after whom the city was named Boonville), Henry Beeson (who participated in the Bear Banner revolt), his brother Isaac Beeson and William Anderson, her stepbrother, after whom the valley was named. Boonville quickly established itself as the trading center and largest of the four settlements in the valley, with agriculture, lumber and livestock being the main trades. In the 1880s, more than 1,000 people had found their way to the Anderson Valley, but the area remained isolated from the outside world due to the difficult and steep paths into and out of the valley. Perhaps the most interesting chapter in the Anderson Valley tradition is the mother tongue Boontling. Boontling is spoken by a handful of residents and considered by modern linguists as one of the world's most extraordinary examples of homemade language. In its heyday, Boontling was even educated in the valley's schools, and it was not uncommon that bright lighters (outsiders) were completely disappointed by local conversations. In the 1980s, a wine boom began, which led to the founding of the Anderson Valley AVA, which specializes in Alsatian grape varieties, Pinot Noir and sparkling wine. Like much of Mendocino County, the hospitality industry is a natural complement to wine production. Good restaurants and quality accommodations are in a good deal. The pleasant natural environment and rural lifestyle attract artists, writers, musicians and a variety of professionals. The Anderson Valley is a cornucopia of sensual pleasures, sights, smells and tastes like no other place. We hope you come down to the valley and spend time enjoying our own piece of heaven on earth.