The story of Amager Bryghus is the story of two old friends, Morten Valentin Lundsbak and Jacob Storm, who were determined to turn their passion for good beer into a professional career. In their infinite wisdom and with considerable foresight they chose to write about fermentation processes in beer, and many, many home brewing experiments down the road they had gotten advanced enough to actually open their own brewery in April 2007. To their own surprise – not to mention that of their customers – they succeeded in brewing beer that was tasty enough to actually sell – from Sundby to Sydney. In December of 2011 their original equipment was finally deemed too small; new brewing equipment was procured, and an assistant brewer (René Hulgren) was hired – all of which led to a doubling of the beer production. Despite also hiring Henrik Papsø as head of communications in 2013, the brewery is still doing surprisingly well.