Steinbier is a beer specialty in which the wort is boiled during the brewing process by adding heated stones. Beer has been brewed this way for centuries. Since the brewing pans for boiling the brew used to be made of wood and therefore could not be heated directly, the stone beer brewing process was the only way to heat the brew in wooden vessels.
The Zwönitzer Steinbier is Dominik Naumann's latest specialty, which was brewed for the first time in 2019 and was actually only planned for its own gastronomy. Due to its great success, the beer was even bottled in a can for the first time in 2020, because the quality is better preserved in the can than in the bottle.
Nice foam, not dark or stout, amber in color. Great tasting and interesting history.
Der Linsner
18. Apr 24
Golden etwas trübe feine Schaumkrone.
Malzig leicht süßlich schmackhaft da keine Kohlensäure.
Zwönitzer - Steinbier
7. Apr 24
Malzig-süßlicher Geruch. Im Antrunk malzig und süßlich. Hintenraus süßlich mit leichten Bitternoten. Ganz okay.
Dunkles Erlebnis
23. Feb 24
Zunächst habe ich auf den typischen Geschmack für die dunkle Farbe gewartet, doch alles kam anders, malzig, aber nicht süß und auch sonstige Intensität eines dunklen Bieres habe ic…
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21. Feb 24
At first the description as a “dark” beer kind kf intimidated me but it csmr iut a lovely golden hue with not too much fosm on top. It is such a delicious beer. Truly enjoyed drink…