Strange things happen in the roaring Arl Gorge. As soon as dusk sets in, the farmers have their belongings stolen. The stolen things are carried away via underground watercourses. This happened to a farmer who missed his plow wheel the next morning and was therefore unable to till his fields. It wasn't until months later that he found his bike again on an alpine pasture about 1000 meters higher. They have been trying to tame the gorge spirits for a long time. But again and again they show their power and terrify the valley.
Sehr schaumig... Schön trüb... Süffig... Leicht fruchtiger Geruch... Sehr intensiv im Geschmack... Minimaler Kiwi Geschmack
19. Feb 25
Intensiver Bock, prickelnd
Klammgeist Bock
22. Jan 25
Leider garnicht meins
Kräftige honig und kräuternoten, dabei aber eher bitter
Wochta - Klammgeist
26. Dec 24
Nette Geschichte zum Bier. Im Glas zeigt es sich kupferfarben mit feinporiger flüchtiger Krone. Im der Nase eine Mischung an Aromen, Frucht, Kräuter, Hopfen und etwas Honig. Im Ant…