Bottom fermented
Beer description
After pouring, a strong white crown can be admired on this beer. This stands with a middle pore nice stable on top. The beer itself has a bright golden yellow color, not too strong, but very nice to look at. A minimal opaque haze can be seen. Aromatically we go in a sweeter direction, some grainy notes in the luggage. Only a slight spice is present in the background. The first impression of the nose is then confirmed in the Antrunk, because here clearly dominate the sweeter aromas, still a beautiful cereal and a now very harmonious spice. This light remains pleasantly slim and dry. A fresh and sparkling overall impression, which is also supported by the sparkling carbon dioxide. Beautiful full-bodied beer remains in the course and the body remains rather slim. The first bitter hops slowly penetrate the taste buds and initiate the finish. Again, the beer remains true to its straight fresh and dry line, but is complemented by a subtle very pleasant harmonic bitterness.
Gutes Wirtshausbier
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Mild, aber gut im Geschmack
Wieden Bräu – Helles
Leichte Zitrustöne, getreidiger Antrunk, mittlerer Körper, dazu Heu und Gras. Süffig und solide.
Wieden Bräu Favorit 👍😋
Ein sehr gutes süffiges Bier mit einem hervorragenden Charakter von Bitterkeit und Süße. Der Kohlensäuregehalt ist perfekt ausbalanciert und trägt zu einer guten Erfrischung bei. D…
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