This beer truly lives up to its name, a beautiful uniform very dark amber color with slight reddish impressions. The view of the lively carbon dioxide is not clouded by the clear beer. The foam can also boast a light brown-beige color and forms vigorously on top with a medium-sized pore. Nutty notes and coffee aromas with a slight sweetish undertone make the first sip in the nose as soon as you open the bottle. This beer knows already in the Antrunk exactly where it wants to go. Strong dark malt aromas with coffee roasted notes start the antrunk. The very fine sparkling and active carbon dioxide produces only on the tongue and later to the very back of the palate a great creaminess paired with a pleasant liveliness. Fine dark chocolate with tart notes then pass through in the middle section. Beautifully tasty and full bodied gives this beer. An overall rather slender body with wonderful malty toasted notes and great hops aromas I experience shortly before the finish. Here it is then rather shorter and drier. The tart notes are clearing and there is room for a bit more malty influence and coffee-to-roast flavors.
Karamellig-fruchtiger Geruch, im Antrunk Röstaromen und dunkle Fruicht, Brotrinde, trocken mit milder Kohlensäure. Eher schlanker Körper, klingt fruchtig mit leichten Schoko- und K…
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19. Apr 19
Wow, bildhübsch im Glas an zusehen. Für ein Dunkles sehr viel ungewöhnliche Kohlensäure. Die Blume ist grobkörnig klebrig cremig und hält ewig. Geschmacklich leicht süßlich mit mod…