Its Frisian name is Fosite. He watches over Fositesland, which is now known as Helgoland (the holy land). His holy cattle graze here and there is an inexhaustible source from which one can only draw in silence. The dry stout could have come from Forseti's source. It is full-bodied and substantial and at the same time balanced in terms of malt body, bitterness and strength. The toasted aromas lurk in the depths of this fountain and bring dark chocolate, toffee, dried fruit and cherries to the surface. This aromatic delight, together with the bitterness of the hops and the heat released, has a soothing effect and pacifies all the squabbles of the day. This beer was first brewed by Wacken’s trainees on the occasion of St. Patrick’s Day 2019. It was so delicious and liked the general public that they have now brewed it on the 'big' facility. Like all of their craft beers, this stout is unfiltered, natural and unpasteurized. Wacken therefore recommends storing them in a cool, dark place.
Dunkel Schwarz mit flüchtiger Schaumkrone. Angenehme Röstaromen, auch leicht frisch fruchtig. Nicht so süß wie manch andere Stout. Malzig und würzig mit minimal Hopfen. Etikett , n…
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16. Apr 23
Sehr malzig und schwer. Dennoch mit leichter Citrusnote. Leichte Bittere im Abgang. Durchaus lecker, wenn auch gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Leider nicht gut
7. Jan 23
Kann dieses Bier leider nicht bewerten, da es nicht trinkbar wahr.
Sehr schade…
Die Bierdrossel
6. Jan 23
Im Dezember 2020 getrunken. Nur Geschmack: -Mittel mit Tendenz zum Schlecht-