A strong and insidious beer. The gold does not let you go that fast after enjoying a half. Caution should be exercised with the beer type "Wiesn-Märzen", the 0.7% more alcohol compared to the light do more than you might think. The Schönramer Gold has a rich golden yellow color with a clear note of chestnut honey in the aroma. The Antrunk is very full-bodied with the taste of freshly baked white bread and then turns into a honey sweet note, followed by a very fine hop bitter in the after-drink. The Schönramer Gold has the perfect harmony between hops and malt and is sold in barrels as Zwicklbier to selected catering establishments.
Goldgelb feinporig mit stabiler Schaumkrone. Geschmacklich kernig, kräftig. Malzbetont im Gaumen. Für ein Märzen empfinde es zu stark
9. Jan 25
👁 hellgolden; mittelporiger Schaum
👃🏻 hellmalzig
👄 Von Beginn weg entfaltet sich eine deutliche Malzsüße. Darüberhinaus bringen die Malze auch eine angenehme Würze mit. Dem st…