Visually, this lighter golden bock beer with a slightly opal haze and a less intense and only briefly stable crown with a medium pore is nothing that is particularly noticeable. In the nose, however, it is already completely different: the top-fermented wheat beer yeast gives great fruity banana and light pear aromas. For the Schnaitl Maibock, Lower Austrian barley malt, Upper Austrian wheat malt and organic spelled malt from the Innviertel are brewed with the exquisite Mühlviertel sapphire hops from the Klaus Starlinger hop farmer family from Haslach and then fermented with top-fermenting wheat beer yeast. After 3 months of maturing storage at temperatures around 0°C, the Schnaitl Maibock is gently and only lightly filtered in the last week of February.
Malzig, leicht süffig und fruchtig-süß. Geruch wie Bananenweizen, nicht stark.
Maibock Schnaitl
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