Pils German Style
Beer type
Bottom fermented
Beer description
Abita S.O.S.® (Save Our Shore) — a charitable pilsner is a message in a bottle...a distress signal for the troubled waters of our Gulf Coast. For every bottle sold Abita donates 75¢ to the rescue and restoration of the environment, industry and individuals fighting to survive the disastrous gulf oil spill. This unfiltered Weizen Pils is made with pilsner and wheat malts. It is hopped and dry hopped with Sterling and German Perle hops. It has a brilliant gold color, a sweet malt flavor, and a pleasant bitterness and aroma.
In addition, related retail merchandise (hats, t-shirts, lapel pins, decals and car magnets) are sold and 100% of the net proceeds go to the SOS Fund
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