Japanese hops on a very dry, bitter beer. The hops have a very nice scent of lemon, paired with coconut notes. Brewed from 100% natural cone hops with a self-developed, temperature-controlled hop dispenser, that is very rare and results in a unique, stable hops fragrance. ”Markus Berberich lives and loves beer and has put all of his years of know-how into his brewery. The rare beers of the Rügen Island Brewery are all made using a unique art of brewing process. In the glass it shows itself in a really bright golden-yellow color with a lush, creamy-white head. In terms of taste, the beer is very fruity and dry, but also very refreshing with an extremely tart note. There are also citrus aromas and tropical fruits, which rounds off the whole thing perfectly. The perfect beer for a beer tasting in good company.
Insel Brauerei.
Übliche Verpackung...Flasche verhüllt mit Papier.
Einschank im Tasting Glas, schäumt es stark und feinperlig auf, stabile Krone 👑.
Herber Geruch, bernsteinfarben…
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4. Jan 25
29. Dec 24
Hopfig aber hat leicht was von spülmittel
Bürgerbräu Arnsdorf
24. Dec 24
Schaum fein bis mittelporig, cremig kompakt, gut quellend, cremefarben, recht haltbar und gut haftend. Bernstein und opal. In der Nase würzig, Kräuter und Fichtennadeln. Im Mund we…