Rewort Brewery - Mukbang
Rewort Brewery (Bogorodskoe)
Fallback Beer

Rewort Brewery - Mukbang

Rewort Brewery (Bogorodskoe)
Spontaneous, sour
Beer type

Beer description

How rapidly technology develops! It seemed like yesterday that we bought a scratch card for home Internet and tried to download the latest photo of some Sylvia Saint to the howling of a modem at 14400 baud, praying that the connection would not be interrupted at the most interesting place, but now we consume content by terabytes, and a person without full-internet on his mobile phone is considered something incomplete. In turn, content is evolving, taking the strangest and most bizarre forms. Take, for example, mukbang (hussars, be silent) - could we ever have imagined that we would be watching a man munching on live TV? Not eating, not nibbling, not nibbling, not tasting, but chewing, there is no other way to describe the process of devouring so much food. But millions of fans of this Korean genre can't be wrong, and who are we to judge them. Besides, we ourselves, for what it's worth, like to slurp Korean food on an industrial scale from time to time. At least the same kimchi cabbage, which is close to a drug addiction. And especially for you, our adult lovers of Asian pleasures, we have released Kimchi Gose "Mukbang", which has everything why we love this dish so much: bright spice, sweet spice, sparkling sourness - in a word, open a can of Mukbang, turn on your favourite DJ and, as they say, masitke dseyo!


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