As with previous beers, Pravda insists on making a political statement. In this case, the product goes back to the incumbent American president, who has once again caused a sensation with one of his plans to build a wall to the Mexican neighbors. The Imperial camp (known in the classic style as a goat) is appropriately called Imperial Mexican camp - probably more than clearly ambiguous. The beer is refreshed by a hint of natural lime flavor. In celebration of such an infamous presidency, Pravda found the perfect beer pairing for President Donald Trump - at Imperial Mexican Lager with Limes. Refreshing, with that beautiful hint of natural lime flavor, this beer will make you build a wall around your own heart, just like the only president in the history of humanity to do the same. Lets all cheers in scorning to an unpredictable future. das Beste auf der Etikettierung!
Im Glas zeigt sich ein gut hefegetrübtes, orange-goldenes Bier, mit einem mittel- bis feinporigen und sehr stabilen Schaum.
Schön fruchtig i…
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• Trump, 7,2%
Horst Voll
10. Jan 24
Das Театр пива «Правда» aus Lemberg bittet zur Wahl und präsentiert ein hervorragendes Bier, daß es etwas parfümiert riecht, ist wohl eine Hommage an den Namensgeber. Im Gegensatz …